This privacy statement details how this website deals with your personal information.

This website complies with the Privacy Act 1993. This statement does not limit or exclude any of your rights under the Privacy Act. If you want further information on those rights visit

What personal information might we collect about you?

  • Name
  • The Government agency where you work
  • Work email address
  • A mobile number so we can contact you if a face to face event is cancelled on the day
  • Your manager’s name and email address.
  • Your contributions to any online discussions
  • Any courses you are enrolled in and complete (online or in person)
  • Any scores you achieve
System data analysis

We analyse non-identifying  statistical data to improve our courses and services.

MBIE owns the data that is generated and may share it with trainers who deliver face-to-face training. This information will not be shared with any other party for any other purpose.

The non-identifying data MBIE may collect, hold and analyse concerning individuals includes: 

  • courses you are enrolled in
  • courses you have completed
  • quiz attempts and scores
  • dates and times you have accessed the site
  • participation in discussions
  • feedback submitted
  • Your course evaluation

How do we collect information about you?

We collect personal information about you from information you provide us (for example through the RealMe login process).  You must provide this information in order to access the Learning Platform and additional information may be needed to enable your access to certain parts of the website or to sign up for certain events. 

Other information is generated as you use the website including course enrolments, participation in online activities, course completion status, assessment scores and feedback forms. Please be aware that discussion or contributions made through the site, may be stored on the site (and be visible to other users).

How will we use your personal information?

We will generally only use personal information for the purpose you provided it (to provide you with a service). We may also use personal information provided to us through this website for other reasons permitted under the Privacy Act but we will only do so when it is reasonable to do so.

How will we disclose your personal information?

We will disclose information when you authorise us to share it (for example, with trainers who deliver face-to-face training to you).  We will not otherwise disclose personal information unless it is lawful and reasonable. For example, we may be required to disclose information under the Official Information Act 1982 or in response to a Parliamentary Question. Personal information may be released under the Official Information Act, but the privacy interests of an individual can be a basis to withhold this information.

How can you access or correct your information?

You can change or update your own profile details stored in the site. To access your profile and course information you need to log in and view:

  • your profile – to see your personal information
  • “My Learning” to see your record of learning

You may access all personal information that MBIE holds about you. You can also ask MBIE to correct any error contained in the information it has about you by emailing

We will provide you all of the information you request unless we have lawful reason for withholding information.

If MBIE has a good reason for refusing a request for correction (for example because we hold a different opinion) we will attach to the information a statement that you sought a correction what you believe the information should say.

How will we store your information?

We will take reasonable steps to store your information securely. The information you provide us may be accessed on our behalf by staff, contractors and authorised service providers where access is necessary to use the information or to administer the platform.

We will only retain personal information for as long as it is required for the purposes for which it may lawfully be used or it is a public record. We store public records (which can include personal information) in accordance with the Public Records Act 2005.

How do we keep information secure?

MBIE websites have security measures in place to prevent the loss, misuse and alteration of information. In order to maintain the cyber security of MBIE systems and information, MBIE systems are subject to ongoing monitoring (including activity logging), analysis and auditing.

We may use information about your use of our websites and other IT systems to prevent unauthorised access or attacks on these systems or to resolve such events. We may use this information even if you are not involved in such activity.

MBIE may utilise services from one or more third party suppliers to monitor or maintain the cyber security of its systems and information. These third party suppliers will have access to monitoring and logging information as well as information processed on MBIE websites and other IT systems.

Do we use cookies?

We use cookies to improve functionality, improve security and measure the performance of the website. Cookies are small files that are sent by a website and stored on your computer's hard drive.

You can manually disable cookies at any time - check your browser's 'Help' to find out how. This may affect the functionality of certain features on the website (including login access).

We use cookies to collect data.

We collect information to help us improve this website. This information is aggregated to show how our website performs. The information may include browsing characteristics, for example:

  • Search terms
  • Pages viewed, and
  • Date, time and duration

This information may also include technical characteristics, for example:

  • Screen resolution
  • Language settings,
  • Operating system, and
  • The type of web browser.

The statistical information does not identify you or your individual browsing behavior.


From time-to-time we may change this policy. The statement will apply from the date it is published.

Last modified: Monday, 16 May 2022, 1:49 PM